

Software developer, System engineer, and IT specialist with +10 year experience which include software and tools development on top of open source technologies,  provisioning, deploying and maintaining server infrastructures across multiple architectures to achieve high availability and performance, capable of creating and delivering solutions tied to business growth, a skilled problem identifier and trouble-shooter, comfortable in managing systems, projects and teams in a wide range of IT environments.


  • (Currently) BsC Robotics Engineering – International University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
  • BsC Computer Science Engineering – Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
  • Infrastructure and Telecommunications in Buildings – Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional ( Coimbra – Portugal )
  • Electronic and Electricity Technician. Anadia High School (Anadia, Portugal)



  • Software development & Cloud platforms
  • Automation and Infrastructure as Code
  • Virtualization and cloud computing
  • Project management & Team leading
  • Database management & Business intelligence
  • Systems administration and support


KBC Bank, Leuven, Belgium (AlterSolution Benelux), Cloud Native/Platform Engineer
Jul. 2021- Now

As an AWS engineer focused on developing an kubernetes based platform. Working in the a delivery-to-business team, with a main role to design, develop and improve adoption of an EKS based platform to be used by business teams, working in architectural design aspects of many important topics such as:

  • Application disclosure patterns
  • Platform security and compliance
  • Platform testability
  • Platform and components lifecycle

Important Projects:

  • Research the use of AWS managed services, such as AppMesh, EKS to be incorporated in the platform offering, providing insights about costs, security, possible impacts and mitigations. The main goal of this efforts were to provide new functionalities to the platform. After research stage and approval stage acted mostly as responsible for delivering new components written mainly in terraform or acted as responsible for working close to other team members in order to provide guidance in how to incorporate those services in our offering.
  • Critical role designing the internal componenst release pipeline, decrease time-to-release to DevOps teams and reduce human error. The release pipeline was design using managed AWS services and other software components developed internally.
  • Having a developer mind-set, provided guidance to other team members that had more operations backgrounds, introducing some concepts such as test driven development and other common practices/patterns of software development.
  • As an AWS expert, provide support to other team members about best-practices.
  • Provide critical role designing a Kubernetes based platform that complies with business requirements and security regulations.

Siemens Tech Hub: DevOps/ Linux System Engineer
Jan. 2021- Jun. 2021

Hired as a Linux System engineer for developing and act as a CI/CD engineer for the new Azure DevOps Linux based solution for the internal clients of the company. The main role consisted in using technologies such as Docker, Ansible, Molecule and Podman to create the main platform for the internal clients to build, test and deploy their software.

MOV.AI: DevOps/Backend Lead, Linux System Engineer
Set. 2019 – Dec. 2020

As the main Backend/DevOps Lead, I was responsible for design, implement and maintain the CI/CD pipeline infrastructure, worked together with the project manager and R&D manager to set in place the proper procedures and methodologies of a software development company, took part of the QA process, and also responsible for designing and implementing the deployment method of the company product. As the most senior developer I had a major role on giving support to new developers and to introduce the use of known patterns and to level up the existing developers in the company.

Important roles:

  • Rewrite of the core of the application,  for handling concurrent incoming messages and allows to use python code to handle those messages, also responsible for the complete rewrite of the database layer, using Redis as the default back-end.
  • Technical and management role in gathering all the requirements of the framework, use of Docker as a tool to boost the developers work and the framework deployment, deployment of a CI/CD pipeline based in Nexus, Jenkins and Portus, using Ansible scripts and terraform into Digital Ocean fully integrated with Jira and Bitbucket, the pipelines were developed in Jenkins using Groovy and Bash scripts. Creation of a simulation environment for testing/demo of a fleet of robots on AWS.


  • Project management & Team leading: Managed two small teams, maintained the team focus and provided a motivational support to each member. Responsible for working with the rest of team leaders to provide them a better insight of the CI/CD pipeline and a better knowledge of some software development procedures and best practices.
  • Software development & Technology research: Acted as the lead developer of some of the components of the framework, which included leading the refactoring of the ORM layer of the application, leading the development of the start up component using container orchestration.

ALPEGA Group: Linux System Engineer / DevOps Engineer
Set. 2018 – Aug. 2019

Hired as a full-time systems engineer and DevOps engineer to operate and improve the current infrastructure, deploy a new monitoring solution and deployment pipeline into AWS which allows the company not only to apply the DevOps methodology but also CI/CD. Participated with a important technical role on the “lift-and-shift” project to AWS.

Important Roles:

  • Technical and management role in gathering the application requirements inc. dependent systems and components, library versions, configurations, etc. through analysis of the company repositories, servers, documents, application code and the use of “reverse engineering”, which allowed to create terraform scripts and configuration scripts for the lift and shift of an application component running in Proximus DC into AWS.
  • Development of an automated pipeline to deploy applications hosted in a OpenShift cluster and using AWS services ( Cognito, SQS, API GW, lambda, CloudFront ), the pipeline was created using Jenkins, Ansible for Openshift deployment/configuration of microservices, terraform for the AWS configuration/provisioning.


  • Systems administration and support: Assured the operations of the company infrastructure, with an hybrid architecture, data-center and AWS. Maintained Redhat WildFly and Oracle Weblogic application servers, provided troubleshooting and systems improvements. Maintained RedHat linux physical servers and virtual machines.
  • Virtualization and cloud computing: Maintained a VMWare vSphere cluster on the internal data-center, including provision of new virtual machines. Deployed a new monitoring stack ( Grafana, InfluxDB, InspectIT and Prometheus ) on AWS using Terraform, Ansible and custom made Python code. Deployed a new GitLab deployment pipeline. Improved the current logging infrastructure by restructuring the logs pipeline incl. migration from a traditional SysLog solution to a new cloud approach.
  • Project management & Team leading: Managed a small team of 5 engineers, maintained the team focus and provided a motivational support to each member. Responsible to manage the knowledge transfer of a company product to a new team working in Spain.
  • Software development & Technology research: Developed in python a framework to work with Weblogic servers, allowing to easily deploy, control and monitor Weblogic clusters. Developed tools, scripts in Bash, Go and Python to facilitate daily operations.

2013 – 2018

HBD is a private South African investment company dedicated to the sustainable and responsible development on the Island of Príncipe with ~500 employees and which invested on the island social development, agricultural development and infrastructure development, with the goal to create eco-resorts, including a 5-star resorts.

Linux System Engineer / Senior IT Manager

Hired as a full-time systems administrator following initial consulting role with the goal to create the IT department from scratch, and restructure the company network and IT technologies portfolio

  • Systems administration and support: Assured the security of all the company data by implementing backup policies and data replication through all the company servers located in 5 different geographic locations, deployed a monitoring platform that reduced the company servers downtime and assure a quicker response to casual network failures, deployed multiple web applications hosted by different technologies including Apache, IIS and Tomcat.
  • Virtualization and cloud computing: Supervised the installation of a microwave link connecting the two islands and assured the network conditions that increased the internet bandwidth with a careful planning of the network distribution and the construction of a ICT room. Decreased the downtime and increased the servers manageability by deploying virtualization hosts and deployed guest to hold the all the database systems, web applications and network monitoring systems on multiple platforms including, Windows 2012 Server, Windows 2016 Server, Ubuntu Server, CentOS.
  • Project management & Team leading: Reduced by more than 60% percent the operational problems replacing the old PMS software, identifying, planning and supervising the deployment of a new web based solution, which lead to new opportunities on the e-commerce field. Disrupted the national hospitality market by enabling the company resorts to be the first nation-wide hospitality group to deploy a hospitality entertainment system to improve the guest experience on their eco-resorts, including a 5-star resort
  • Software development & Technology research: Improved the human resources department recruitment process by deploying an online web-based solution, customized an open-source package to meet the department criteria allowing the platform to export data to a spreadsheet file format and implemented an extension that changed the software workflow and allowed for surveying the online candidates.
  • Database management & Business intelligence: Deployed and maintained multiple DBMS including Microsoft SQL, MySQL and PostgreSQL, enabled reports from multiple data-sources to be automatically generated by deploying a reporting server, developed internal reports for accounting and warehouse.
  • End-User support & Helpdesk: Implemented IT polices that decreased by more than 50% the time of allocation of new IT assets and decrease the time of response to all helpdesk requests by deploying a web-based ticketing system and a remote support software.

GLOBALSTP LDA 2011 – 2014

A private company on the service sector with less than 5 employees and 50k in revenue with clients like Banco Internacional de São Tomé e Principe, Constromé and other major Santomean companies.

IT Consultant & Specialist, Project Manager

  • End-User support & Helpdesk: Assured all helpdesk and support operations for the company clients
  • Project management & Team leading: Managed teams and multimedia projects, including television advertisement campaigns, documentary, and content for corporate TV
  • Software development & Technology research: Web site development and application development in C# and PHP

HOUSATLIER LDA 2006 – 2012

A private company on the service sector with less than 10 employees and 100k in revenue operating on the construction market, with clients as Sanitana, Lusomotos, Madeicentro.

Linux System Engineer / Senior IT Manager

  • Systems administration and management: Assured the security of all the company data by implementing backup policies and managed the company linux file and internet sharing server
  • Project management & Team leading: Managed a multidisciplinary team in delivering architecture and engineering projects, public tenders
  • Software development & Technology research: Web site development and application development in C# and PHP for internal company use


Languages: Portuguese (native speaker), English (fluent written and spoken)

Computer skills: C#, C++, Python, PHP, Java, Go, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Directory Services (AD and LDAP), Linux, Windows, OSX, Eclipse, Visual Studio, Shell Scripting, Powershell Scripting, Apache, IIS, Git, Autocad, Adobe Premiere, Adobe After Effects, GIMP, Photoshop, Inkscape, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, KVM, Virsh, Terraform, Ansible, Openshift, Packer, Kubernetes, Weblogic, Wildfly, Grafana, Prometheus, InfluxDB, Redis

Other Courses/Workshops:

  • Workshop in General Data Protection Regulation for IT departments – Primavera Academy
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect – Associate 2019 – Udemy
  • AWS Certified SysOps Administrator – Associate 2019 – Udemy
  • Oracle WebLogic 12c for Administrators – Udemy
  • Mastering Ansible – Udemy
  • CISSP – Security and Risk Management – Udemy
  • C# Advanced Topics – Udemy
  • Docker Mastery – Udemy
  • Apache Kafka Series – Kafka Cluster Setup & Administration – Udemy
  • Mastering Puppet the devops way by School of Devops – Udemy
  • Entity Framework in Depth: The Complete Guide – Udemy